by Deborah Hall Subetto
A delightful and easy way to have meaningful gospel conversations with your littles! Get the set - a children's book and leader's guide:
The Fruit of the Spirit
Encourage Publishing, LLC is a small press independent publisher exclusively publishing carefully curated works that lead to positive change, or encourage the world in an uplifting way. Our titles inspire, inform, educate, entertain, and motivate without tearing anyone down along the way.
We are dedicated to helping individuals, companies and non-profits bring their stories and information to the public in print, audio or digital form, through the spoken or written word, or through music.
OUR MISSION: To tell your story and conduct our business in a way that honors Christ and encourages others. We believe in the power of WORDS and MUSIC to change mind, body, and soul, and every day we positively change our world through projects that inform, inspire, and encourage others.
In addition to a host of partners that help us accomplish our mission, we have five imprints within Encourage Publishing that define our work: Encourage Books, Encourage Music,
Encourage Kids, Turner Creative, and Wildfly.
We are SMALL, but powerful! And by SMALL, we mean...anything but!
Learn about the POWER of SMALL!
Encourage Kids
¡alienta! Publicaciones próximamente
Encouraging KIDS with books and music!
Books your kids will LOVE and you can trust to be clean with a positive message. Check out the Encourage Kids Seal of Approval. As we grow our children's front list, in addition to our own amazing kids' titles, we'll highlight the BEST INDIE KIDS BOOKS YOU'VE PROBABLY NEVER HEARD OF!! Are you a children's author whose books align with a Christian worldview? We may be a good home for your work.
We know how to create buzz.
A production studio and publishing imprint for those who need something edgy, agile, and maybe a little annoying.
Wildfly will also be the home of our upcoming YA titles in 2024!
We tackle tough publishing problems.
When you need quick help with short-term editing or writing projects, creative treatment, layout, a unique publishing issue, or a project to be privately published. Our team is a specialized group that works with national clients who need agility, speed, and confidentiality.
God is in every story.
We are a small press hybrid publisher dedicated to helping individuals, companies and non-profits bring their stories and information to the public in print, audio or digital form.
Learn about The Power of SMALL.
Because music tells a story.
We create musical space that moves you forward in your life, both stand-alone projects and musical storylists to elevate our titles.
Special projects: Learn what we're doing to create spaces for healing through music.
Dios es en cada cuento.
Comenzando en 2024: ¡libros que dan
ánimo a nuestras familias hispanohablantes!
Encourage Publishing has been offering hybrid contracts since 2014, a limited number of traditional contracts, and has always adhered to the highest standards for publishing as defined by The Independent Book Publisher's Association.
By definition, "small press" means we publish ten or fewer titles per year. "Independent" is synonymous with "small press." We are primarily, but not exclusively, a "Hybrid" publisher, which is a little more complicated. There are basically three types of publishers. "Traditional" publishers own your work, make all decisions about title, cover, interior design and content, and pay you a very small percentage of net profits. They generally distribute widely but do not take unsolicited manuscripts or first-time authors. Your best path to traditional publishing is a literary agent. "Self" publishers range widely in scope (and business integrity). They focus on short-term relationships with the author, who pays for all costs with a markup built in. If you just want to get your book done for your own small application, this may be your best choice, but read the fine print, particularly regarding second run orders.
Hybrid publishers also have a variety of business models, but generally, offer some services at free or reduced cost and partner with the author on all publishing decisions. Authors have more control, make more money if the book has a market, and have more marketing opportunity and exposure than self-publishing. The hybrid model is a great choice for authors who have a vertical or niche market (meaning most books will be not be sold through traditional bookstore channels), and for authors who are not willing or able to make all of the decisions required by self-publishing or who need help with content, book design, and/or marketing and distribution. Visit our blog on the home page to find more information about the hybrid publishing industry and other great articles about publishing your book.
When you...
...don't want the inflexible environment of a large corporation,
...need a publisher who doesn't need to control every detail,
...realize the "big guys'" business model is not a good fit,
...need someone to be completely transparent and responsive,
... need your questions answered, no matter the time it takes...
We don't waste your resources-or ours. We DO tailor our efforts to reach your niche markets first, and build long-term success rather than a burst of low-profit sales that quickly fizzle out. When you are ready, we can scale up and out-strategically.
We don't take a single step until we understand your mission. In fact, we DO require a written mission statement for every project. Our mission? To tell your story and conduct our business in a way that honors Christ and encourages others.
We don't have a "one size fits all" mentality. Because we are small and scrappy, we can, and DO quickly adjust your plan advantageously when opportunities, or obstacles, arise.
That's right. our work is lucent, or light-giving. We try to be a source of light and encouragement for our clients, and select projects based on their ability to inspire, educate, inform, illuminate, or encourage others.
We are never done learning. In this industry, every aspect is always changing. If a new technique, strategy, partnership, skill or software arises that is best for you, we invest in and learn it. We will never grow too big to learn.
Encourage Publishing
1116 Creekview Circle, New Albany, Indiana 47150, United States