We are a hybrid publishing company specializing in bringing those stories to the world, proudly meeting or exceeding the highest industry and ethics standards. Our award-winning books are changing lives, and our authors enjoy proven expertise, generous royalties, and more control over their life's work. Check out our NEWS to see what God has been doing here lately!
Find a summary here. Learn more below about the hybrid difference, our submission criteria, our new imprints, the publication process, what happens after publication, and our secret sauce: editorial support.
Tired of hearing NO?
Need more control?
Try the hybrid difference.
Books, Music, Audiobooks, Gifts,
Special Projects, Multi-media
Where is your audience? We know.
Targeted, effective plans to fit your budget, your audience, and your lifestyle.
Niche markets, B2B, Direct to Consumer,
Wholesale Book and Specialty
You have a story to tell.
We help make it readable, engaging, marketable, and effective.
Inspirational, Informative, Children's,
Business, Education, Short form
In your message, please state the genre, the mission or goal for your project, the intended audience, any previously published works, plans for future books, and if you have a built-in or growing audience please describe, including links to any online platforms or social media. Attach your manuscript if under 10 MB. Otherwise, we will send you a download link. Text manuscripts must be submitted in an editable format such as Word or Pages. PDFs are acceptable for manga, picture books, and graphic novels.
All book content must be in sync with our niche and our mission:
OUR NICHE: We exclusively publish carefully curated works that lead to positive change, or encourage the world in an uplifting way. Our titles inspire, inform, educate, entertain, and motivate without tearing anyone down along the way. Our books are either faith-based or faith-friendly.
OUR MISSION: To tell your story and conduct our business in a way that honors Christ and encourages others. We believe in the power of WORDS and MUSIC to change mind, body, and soul, and every day we positively change our world through projects that inform, inspire, and encourage others. Not all of our books are faith-based, but all are faith-friendly, meaning they do not conflict with the basic tenets of the Christian faith.
OUR MODEL: While all submissions will be considered for traditional contracts, a very small percentage meet the criteria. The majority of our books are published under a hybrid contract. Ample information is available throughout this site about the hybrid difference. If you are not willing to consider a hybrid contract, please do not submit an inquiry.
Now accepting submissions for children's book or music projects that encourage, inspire, instruct, or help children grow in their faith.
You don't fit the mold, and neither does your project. Your audience is edgy, saavy, and scoffs at traditional formats. They need tech-driven, graphically rich, entertaining content. You need WILDFLY.
Now accepting submissions for YA, Manga, and Graphic Novels. Have something else? Contact us.
Sometimes a publishing project needs a different approach, is more complex, or involves national or international organizations who need extra support, confidentiality, and speed.
When you don't need an imprint but you do need extra services, focus, and immediate help with writing, editing, graphics, video or audio...
As Encourage Publishing continues to expand, we are in the development stages on a new project: ¡Alienta! Publicaciónes will be our new Spanish imprint, hopefully in 2024. ¡Alienta! is a Spanish command which means to encourage, or spur on, exactly what we are all about.
A medida que Encourage Publishing continúa expandiéndose, estamos en las etapas de desarrollo de un nuevo proyecto: ¡Alienta! Publicaciónes será nuestro nuevo editorial en español, esperemos que en 2024. ¡Alienta! es un comando español que significa animar o espolear, que es exactamente lo que somos.
Hybrid publishing is the best of both worlds for authors who need help publishing, marketing, and distributing a quality book project but either cannot get a traditional contract or don't want to sacrifice control or ownership. Hybrid publishing is a great fit for authors who have a niche market, a built-in support community, and the ability to invest in their own work. Beyond this core distinction, hybrid publishers generally have:
It's important to know that not all hybrid publishers are created equal, and yes, just like any transaction, you have to check your sources. (Check out this blog for an amusing history of hybrid publishing.) Learn more about how we do hybrid here, then read on to get the details about our publication process, how we manage our catalog after publication and the special editorial support we provide authors, our "secret sauce."
INQUIRY: Contact us through our submission link, following our instructions and answering our questions thoroughly.
REVIEW: We will respond immediately to let you know we received your inquiry. We will review your information to see if we are a good fit and ask you a few questions.
TRIAGE: If we can move forward, we will send you an estimated production schedule and cost estimate, as well as our vision for your project. I If you are ready to work with us, we give you a contract to review.
CONTRACT: We conduct a preliminary manuscript, market, and risk analysis before making you an offer. If we are a great match, we send you a contract tailored to the project, your goals, and your marketability as an author. Every contract is unique. Once you join the Encourage Publishing family, your project will be assigned a project manager.
EDIT: Once you sign the contract, if your manuscript is ready, we send it through copy edit, working closely with you on any significant changes. If your story needs more work, we send you through the developmental edit process first, where we close gaps, weed out elements that pull your story down, perfect the overall arc of your story, and ensure it is on point with your mission, reaches your audience, and is a great read. Most of our projects need this level of work.
STRUCTURAL FORMAT: We fine-tune the structure, fact-check as needed, confirm ownership of all illustrations and graphics, cross-check any references, and confirm front and back matter are ready to go.
REGISTRATION: We work with you on a title and preliminary marketing language, secure and register the title's ISBN, Library of Congress number, and copyright.
PROOFING: Your manuscript then goes through a fine-detail proofing and approval before the layout begins.
COVER DESIGN: The title and front cover are extremely important, immediately followed by the back cover and text. We will assign your book to a cover designer to work with you and assure the cover communicates the content, creates interest, and captures the spirit of the audience.
INTERIOR DESIGN: An interior designer works to make the layout compelling, readable, and consistent. They ensure fonts are compatible and graphics are placed and annotated correctly.
Sometimes these steps require additional photography or graphics, licensing and formatting not included in the original quote.
While your project is in design and layout we gather print quotes, discuss and agree on an initial launch date, marketing plan, distribution method, and optional advertising. We help you decide on initial print runs and advise you on building your audience and launch list.
After the project has gone to print we build your materials for listings through the various distribution channels and share language and graphics with you for use on your own social media accounts and marketing campaigns. We manage digital and audio project listings.
We continue to manage the project listing and reprints, and if additional projects such as adaptations, translations or other formats arise we manage those for you as well.
Administration of your rights, titles, and ongoing sales is a process that continues until your book no longer needs this kind of support.
We advise you on a plan that meets your mission and makes sense for your budget and the project's potential. We provide initial marketing material and support, and include your project in our online store. We refer you to marketing companies specific to your audience, and help you make wise decisions about marketing and advertising.
We create press releases and catalog material as needed as long as your book continues to sell. We request reviews and send ARCs (Advance Readers' Copies) or demos. We craft your initial marketing language, and your bio if needed, which we post on our website. We support your efforts toward setting up launch activities, including book signings and tours, however we do not plan these events for you.
We provide support and guidance if you decide to do a pre-launch, book signings and other events, and a live or digital launch.
Once your project is in stock and the time is right we send out press releases and go live on line. We publishing announcements and perform an initial social media push. We support you by announcing through our channels any marketing activities you initiate.
Your book will be available for any individual or bookstore to order, worldwide, through Ingram. We give you options and advice on catalog placement and advertising appropriate for your audience to support those sales, but do not require you to participate. Your book will be listed on Amazon, Bookshop, and most books are also picked up by Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Target, and other online channels. Most projects need a targeted approach to distribution, and we advise you on this.
We provide fulfillment of direct orders and support event sales. Fulfillment services will depend on your distribution decisions.
We support online direct sales through our channel and manage shipments for bulk sales, invoicing of vertical market clients, and online retailers.
We can manage other wholesale and international fulfillment, however these channels will likely be managed through Ingram, our wholesale distribution channel. We provide bi-annual reporting of sales and payouts of royalties meeting minimum volume.
Most of the time, our authors have important stories to tell and perhaps some writing skills but need help putting all the elements together. We assign a developmental editor to help the author shape their story, fill gaps or reduce drag in the story's flow, meet their mission, and find their audience. You usually do the writing under their guidance. We hate to brag, but our editorial work is our superpower.
(A wise Texan once told me,
"It's not bragging if it's the truth.")
We may assign a writer to help you. Writers may assist with transitions, introductions, texture, and other writing elements the author struggles to write. They will suggest phrasing and will learn to write in your voice when you need help.
This writing is often the joints and sinew that hold the bones of your story together and allow the message to move.
Writers are usually anonymous, but sometimes receive cover and internal credits, depending on the extent of their work and relationship with the author. And, sometimes, you need someone to drive the story forward for you. This type of intense writing support ensures the truth doesn't get lost in the telling, and your voice isn't overshadowed by overly aggressive editing.
Encourage Publishing
1116 Creekview Circle, New Albany, Indiana 47150, United States